Monday, November 29, 2010


Hope yinz had a great Thanksgiving.

I think I have the power to predict what happens in the future, because we won yesterday, 19 to 16. Baltimore here we come!

The VX-2K has been working out just fine for me. Everything looks really crisp and clean. So far I've been filming a lot with it ever since I got it in the mail. Once I get a new editing software I'd like to make a VX-2K montage.

If you're planning on building a fire anytime soon at the park from now on, forget about it. The Wheeling Fire Dept. came to the skatepark last night, and put ours out. Yes, a firetruck drove all the way to Elm Grove to put out a small ass fire that was barely keeping us warm anyway in the 30 degrees weather. The fire Marshall told us that the brush and twigs surrounding the fire could possibly catch and get out of control. Thats funny, because it took us about an hour just to get the fire started in the first place, because all the wood was damp. I guess they wanted us to freeze.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Sean Watson

Peace out ya'll.


The Oakland Raiders didn't stand a chance yesterday against our boys from Pittsburgh, the final being 35-3. We play the Buffalo Bills next weekend, and seeing as how they're 2-8, I don't think we should have any problem beating them.

This past weekend was pretty fun. I love not having to see the letters I.G.A. in front of me for every minute of my free time. If you didn't go out and skate yesterday, you blew it big time.

Look at this hammer!.

Have a good week.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sorry for not updating this thing all that much lately, I've been busy with a bunch of shit. Vegas has officially let me down, so now I need to find a new editing software before I can make any more videos.

The VX came in though finally, along with a nice MK 1 lens, and a light attachment, which should make for some crisp, quality looking footage.

We won this past Monday by the way, in case you didn't know. Tomorrow, we play against Tom Brady and his fellow Patriots. It's pretty bad when a team that was at the Super Bowl for three consecutive years, and who holds the record for having the longest winning streak consisting of regular season and playoff games in NFL history, loses to the Browns. Sounds like somebody needs a hug.

Thank you Veterans.

It definitely doesn't feel like November right now. I wonder what our winter will be like.

Dave Carulli of Pittsburgh, is quite possibly one of the greatest filmers/editors of our time, in my opinion. He has his own blog too. Keep up the good work Dave!

Go skate.

Monday, November 1, 2010


It wasn't a very "Happy Halloween" this past Sunday for the Pittsburgh Steelers, who lost agains the New Orleans Saints, 20-10. In my opinion there's only two things from New Orleans that are worth mentioning. That is, Lil' Wayne, and Mardi Gras. That's about all I can think of. I work with a few people whom are fans of the Bengals, and I'm looking forward to seeing the expressions on their faces when they lose next Monday to Pittsburgh.

Overall this past weekend was pretty fun though. I hope all of you got to come out to the Tricks For Treats event at the skatepark Friday night. It was honestly one of the funnest times I've ever had there. Props to DeFelice in Bethlehem for supplying the free pizza, and thank you to Little Caesars on National Road for coming through when I needed 6 pizzas to feed all the homies at the park. Thanks guys!

VX-2000 coming soon.

It's November already?

One Up's always got some new stuff in. Make sure to stop by the shop next time you're in the 412. Holla!