Monday, January 17, 2011


Look who's going to the AFC championship game.

Ty Evans and Atiba Jefferson are always up to something, whether it's condensing a 2 week tour into 10 minutes of footage and making a sick ass edit, or just showing you how amazing skateboarding can look when it's filmed with HD cameras. Either way, these guys know what they're doing. Check this out if you want to see some high quality, gnarly skateboarding from the likes of Koston, MJ, Mo, and a bunch of other dudes.

Back in November, me, Tyler Beihl, Ethan Davis, and Ryan George took a little trip out to the 614 (Columbus), and played with our useless wooden toys (skateboards). Here's what went down, (most of it anyway) when we went to Skate Naked, (no, we weren't skateboarding naked). I hope that's enough parentheses for you guys.

SP K.O.T.R. 11' here we come!

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